

  On the eerie pitch-black night The mascot of dark comes to rescue and creates a view so picturesque.   Embracing its scars and a heart full of caters I see the silver moon caste its luminescence so bright. Waxing or waning who would even care? The lunar eclipses for the scholars I spare. To stand still was all I could dare As I appreciate the ethereal beauty it beheld. ~Avani Irenic  

The Yellow Gold Lillies

 Near the rivers they sway Their petals colored in gold Such utopian beauty they behold They dance in glee  as you stand still and see They carry your breath away. Dressed in yellow  with an attitude so mellow My eyes lure as I witness the heavenly beauty they endure. ~Avani Irenic

Stand Tall

 Stand tall Fear not the fall Build not a wall but a mansion of scope on the strong pillars of hope. How else does the phoenix rise if not from the burnt ashes? How else does that little bird fly if not after that terrible fall? Stand tall Take a deep breath Have a leap of faith Stand tall Fear not the fall Believe me,  towards success you will crawl. ~Avani Irenic

Unique Stories

  Everyone’s life is a unique story Every life has it’s own grief and glory Beauty of stars and flowers lie somewhere The other times it’s just like a nightmare.   Sometimes harsh like thorns And sometimes as soft as petals of rose Even after having bad sides, It’s as beautiful as ‘in mud a lotus grows’! Everyone wants to understand life, but believe me, it’s nothing more than to thrive. ~Avani Irenic

Orchid : The Queen of Flowers

Carrying splashes of hues, her petals unfurl Out in the garden, in glee she'd dance and twirl. She could be a calm stability of blue Or the fierce energy of reds and yellows Or even a serene stretch of white With her refined beauty, everything could subdue. Her skin feels like a tinted paradise An orchid she is The queen of flowers as said by the wise. ~Avani Irenic

Sunrise at Kanchenjunga

Their taperings form like a snow-white tent Mountain peaks of Kanchenjunga they were Down into the valleys they descent I see the sinking moon, the fading stars And the rising sun Carrying lights of gold in ton Slow and steady Milds of yellows and pink get ready They encrust the blue skies Forming a paradise Blessed with the very first rays of divine In glee, the mountain peaks shine With a happy heart, they dance In the golden disco lights  The sunlight sparkles And greets the dawn It blesses the mountains and the snow-covered lawn ~Avani Irenic

The Cherry Blossoms

 The sun shines down On the pink petals of the tree's crown A long array of cherry blossoms marching in the daylight Dressed in all shades of whites and pinks They offer my soul with tranquility And as I pass from where I stood,  The showering petals soon remind me of fragility Such too is life, so overwhelmingly beautiful and transient. ~Avani Irenic