
Showing posts from April, 2023

Unique Stories

  Everyone’s life is a unique story Every life has it’s own grief and glory Beauty of stars and flowers lie somewhere The other times it’s just like a nightmare.   Sometimes harsh like thorns And sometimes as soft as petals of rose Even after having bad sides, It’s as beautiful as ‘in mud a lotus grows’! Everyone wants to understand life, but believe me, it’s nothing more than to thrive. ~Avani Irenic

Orchid : The Queen of Flowers

Carrying splashes of hues, her petals unfurl Out in the garden, in glee she'd dance and twirl. She could be a calm stability of blue Or the fierce energy of reds and yellows Or even a serene stretch of white With her refined beauty, everything could subdue. Her skin feels like a tinted paradise An orchid she is The queen of flowers as said by the wise. ~Avani Irenic